倘若當年的葡萄品質不夠好釀製成該酒莊的Grand wine時, 此時酒莊就會將這些葡萄釀成二軍酒來出售。
二軍酒的興起主要原因是在80年代波爾多遇到數個極佳年份與以及穩定產量,酒莊們為了樹立起酒莊形象紛紛提高酒品的品質。之前酒莊未生產二軍酒時品質不夠好的葡萄往往只能釀造完畢賣給其他大型酒商用來釀造普通餐酒,但是有了二軍酒後,不符合一軍酒水準的葡萄可以自己用來釀造二軍酒,這樣對酒莊營運影響較小,也因此篩選釀造一軍酒的葡萄時可以更加嚴格。此外二軍酒之所以會推廣迅速波爾多有名的釀酒教授Emile Peynaud也是背後推手之一。不過在當時不少人認為此舉目的只為了要拉抬一軍酒的價格罷了,但事後證明有了二軍酒制度後一軍酒的品質的確提高不少。
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Le Petit Lion (圖片來自於Las Cases的官網) |
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Clos du Marquis (圖片來自於Las Cases的官網) |
在Parker 撰寫的Wine Buyer’s Guide第六版裡面提到波爾多二級酒莊Leoville-Las-Cases 是第一個釀造二軍酒(Clos du Marquis)的酒莊,1904年起就開始對外出售
但依照Las Cases的官網對旗下另外一款"Le Petit Lion du Marquis de Las Cases"的描敘
In recent years, several vineyard plots in the Clos LÉOVILLE LAS CASES were uprooted and replanted, and these are now coming into production. To preserve the quality level of the Grand Vin, Château LÉOVILLE LAS CASES therefore decided it would create a second wine, from the 2007 vintage
似乎現在真正的二軍酒應該是2007年為第一個年份的"Le Petit Lion du Marquis de Las Cases",至於Clos du Marquis,我則會比較傾向稱作是副牌酒`,或者稱Las Cases旗下的另一酒款。
官網對Clos du Marquis的描述
Created in 1902, the Clos du Marquis has its origins in the "Petit Clos" adjacent to the Château de Léoville, home of the Marquis de Las Cases. The Clos du Marquis comes from the great terroirs of the Saint-Julien appellation that were not part of the former Léoville estate.
These terroirs are located further west and surrounded by prestigious Crus Classés (Classifi ed Growths) including Second Growths from the Saint- Julien and Pauillac appellations: Léoville Poyferré, Léoville Barton and Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande. The Clos du Marquis thus displays typical Saint-Julien characteristics: structure, complexity, balance, distinction and great ageing potential.
根據上面官網的描述,Clos du Marquis與Chateau Léoville Las Cases並不是來自於同一塊葡萄園
下面這篇文章則有提到波爾多是目前唯一有法律規定second wine要跟Grand vin來自同一葡萄園。(二軍酒跟一軍酒是否必須要來自同一葡萄園,還需進一步求證)
Bordeaux is still the only wine region in the world that legally defines a second label. French wine law guarantees the grapes used for the Chateau’s second label are from the same estate as those used for the first label or grand vin. Outside of Bordeaux, however, there are no laws regulating second labels so producers will often bottle them with inferior fruit from entirely different regions. We do not consider these to be second labels, but rather a different line of wine that just happens to be owned by the same people.
還定義了Second Wine與Second Label Wine
Second Label Wine是指在跟一軍酒是在同一塊田地
Second Wine 是指在另外一塊田地
However, most second label Bordeaux wines are really just second wines
我的結稐是,Second Wine、Second Label or 副牌酒...反正只是名稱上的不同,知道大家在講哪一瓶酒就好
以2009女爵堡 (Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande)為例
一軍國際均價$6855。分數:94 (JR:16)
二軍國際均價$1806。分數:90 (JR:16.5)
你沒看錯,Jancis Robinson反而給二軍的分數還比較高!
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2009 Super 2nd 女爵堡 |
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2009 Super 2nd 女爵堡二軍 |
同場加映 (網路上看來的)
Parker 認為他心目中好的二軍酒有
Bahans Haut Brion (Haut-Brion)
arruades de Lafite (Lafite-Rothchild)
Les Pensees de fleur (Lafleur)
Les Forts de Latour (Latour)
Lady Langoa (Leoville Barton)
Clos du Marquis (Leoville-Las-Cases)
L de Louviere (La Louviere)
Haut-Bages-Averous (Lynch-Bages)
Pavillon Rouge (Chateau Margaux)
La Dame de Montrose (Montrose)
Le Petit-Mouton (Mouton-Rothchild)
Alto Ego de Palmer (Palmer)
Reserve de la Cometesse (Pichon Lalande)
更多 Robert Parker對波爾多二軍酒的評比
(Parker's Wine Buyer's Guide, 7th Edition線上電子書, 有限制的預覽)
- Wine Searcher對1855年的酒重新排名http://www.wine-searcher.com/m/2013/04/1855-reclassification-winners-and-losers